1. Ennio MorriconeVeruschka OST

I’m a huge Ennio fan, particularly the psych/lounge/jazz stuff – nobody knows what to call it! And that mode of his is my favourite. This one sounds not just like a ‘soundtrack’, but a soundtrack from a dream within a dream; I get this weird kind of past life energy from it. I was born in 1971 and the orchestration and the heavy use of delay and the vocals; to me it’s the ultimate mode of escapism.
I love escapism and I love this stuff because you can put it on the headphones when you’re walking along the cliffs or beside the ocean, and you’re in a different world. The film is about the model Veruschka – there’s this really crap plot in place but she was really far more than a model, she was an artist. She’d try to blend in with her environment. She’d be among white stones or meld into a tree, so they followed her around from 71. It’s groovy, psychedelic and then the love interest is the baddy from Fistful Of Dollars which is just totally ridiculous!