3. T-RexElectric Warrior

This was the first album I ever owned. A friend of mine was a member of one of those music clubs where they’d send a certain number of albums. He had two copies of this. This isn’t the best T Rex record, but it’s stitched into my DNA. Over the years we’ve covered ‘Twentieth Century Boy’. We tried to steal ‘Get It On’ with ‘Armageddon It’ – tried to get that swagger at the beginning. Bolan was just relentless from 1970 to 1974. You can lose perspective of how important he really was. On our covers LP a few years back, Vivian (Campbell, guitar) mimicked Bolan on the cover. Bolan was a huge influence on Vivian: the way he stands; the Les Paul, everything. Total rock star. We try to put across a proper show: and it all comes from watching Bolan on Top Of The Pops.