5. Missy ElliottSo Addictive

Oh my god, that’s classic! Ca-lass-ic! I was in eighth grade when this album came out. It was funny because I wasn’t really allowed to listen to music with curse words in it so I had to sneak out and buy it. So I bought it in St. Louis. We were going on a graduation trip to St. Louis and I’d bought it there – I always managed to sneak Missy albums, no matter what. So Addictive was my favourite; I know all the words to all the songs. I just love Missy Elliott – period. I would love to work with her one day. ‘X-tasy’ is one of my favourite tracks on that album, as well as ‘Lick Shots’. And I love that Busta Rhymes’ intro, when he comes in like “yes indeed, yes indeed!” It’s just so Missy and I love it. You can hear her love for the music, and you can also hear how her and Timbaland enjoy her sound. You hear the companionship between the two in her music. It just comes out, and I absolutely love it.