5. David BowieLodger

This album is like the morning after a trip, where everything is on a cool glide. I was actually really late to finding this record – I found it like two years ago, ‘cos my friends Shearwater did a full cover of the whole album, and I was like wow, those are amazing songs. Then I realised my partner has it in his vinyl collection, and then it swiftly became one of my favourite Bowie records. I prefer it to the first stuff I heard of his – Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust – those are classic, and they’re amazing, but I don’t always follow an artist into their catalogue, and finding Lodger was just such a great surprise. The songs are very surprising, the aesthetic is super surprising – like he’s using some Eastern European vocalists? – and really surprising lyrics. The lyricism on this record is just bonkers. I like for my ear to be twisted, and also for my mind to be. I like to be made to go ‘What did he say?’ On ‘Fantastic Voyage’ he says, ‘I don’t want to live with someone’s depression’, and it’s like yeah, I totally know what you mean! I don’t wanna live with somebody’s depression either!