3. Metallica…And Justice For All

Metallica’s …And Justice For All and Megadeth’s Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying? became the soundtrack of my summer 1989… I was back in DC for a few months while Neil was on tour with Pussy Galore. I got a job at an ice cream store part-time and spent my other time drinking and doing drugs, writing the songs for Trux’ ‘Spike Cyclone’ 7"s and hanging out with Mike Fellows of Rites Of Spring, aka "The Mighty Flashlight" (which is the name I gave him when he ended up touring with Trux…. I’m proud to say it totally stuck).
I had the cassettes for both albums in heavy rotation on my boom box up in the attic where I had my shitty no-name amp and my shitty Kimberly guitar… I was listening to the radio when they announced that tickets were going on sale for Metallica’s Damaged Justice tour at the Cap Center (where they shot Heavy Metal Parking Lot) – I freaked out!!! I bought two tickets knowing I would need to bring somebody with me cuz I didn’t know how to drive at the time – Mike Fellows came with me and somebody else drove, can’t remember who – anyway, the show killed!!! We ended up missing The Cult who were the opening band but we didn’t care. I was so high off that concert it kept me going for the rest of the year and the cassette stayed in the boom box ‘cept for when I would put Peace Sells… in every morning to listen to ‘Wake Up Dead’ and ‘I Ain’t Superstitious’ which was my new fav version after Jeff Beck’s Truth version.