11. Wild At Heart

Missoula, Montana was the first place I went to in America. My first film got accepted at one festival and it was there. So it was like, I had travelled the world to go to somewhere as big as Sherwood, which is where I live. But I met people who I still work with, including Stewart Copeland, the cameraman I am working with on Orion. It is quite sentimental, I think he has made better films – Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet are better films – but Wild At Heart came out when I was 19 and at art college in Middlesbrough. It is a crazy film, I watched it at the Odeon in Middlesbrough, and again it is a film that took me to somewhere completely different. I had fallen in love, and it reminds me of that time. David Lynch and Wes Anderson, they are completely full of heart, really bold and they don’t look like anything else.