5. Marianne FaithfullMarianne Faithfull

I included this one because sometimes you can read things into records that aren’t necessarily there. In the mid-80s I had my first proper girlfriend, we had an on/off thing for ages and then we finally split up. On the Thursday before, she gave me this Marianne Faithfull LP, so in the aftermath of the split I listened to it and heard lots of like ‘ooo she’s sending me a message through the songs’. I got to know the record quite well, I wallowed in the self-pity. I happened to meet her in Sheffield about 20 years later, was speaking to her and I mentioned to her about that record and she just said ‘I knew we were going to split up and it was on offer at WH Smiths, it was only three quid so I just thought I’d get you that’. She’d never listened to it and wasn’t making any points or comments to me at all. It shows how you as a listener bring a lot to any record. I didn’t tell Marianne Faithfull the story when I worked with her… I should do shouldn’t I?