1. The BeatlesAbbey Road

You asked for albums, but albums are already a bit away from pop because of they’re a more serious proposition, so all of these are albums that I own on vinyl, and because I’m of a certain age that’s what I think of as a record. We didn’t have a big record collection in our house when I was growing up, but my mum had three Beatles albums, Sgt Pepper, Revolver and Abbey Road. Even though I was a kid I could tell that Sgt Pepper and Revolver sounded like music that had happened a while ago, but Abbey RoadM sounded more modern. It still does sound quite modern, because on second side where all the songs run into each other, that’s quite a thing, not many people had done that since and not many have since. There’s an art to an album. If you’ve got an album that’s got a shit song on it, especially if it’s in the middle of a side, you’re not going to play it as much because you know you’re going to have to get up and skip that track. That’s what I’ve tried to do with these, it’s records that I don’t mind putting on then you can relax or talk to people or whatever, but you know you’re not going to get some kind of fucking horrible shitty stinker of a song on it. Abbey Road – I was young at the time, 10, 11, 12, whatever, and the track that ends side one, ‘I Want You (She’s So Heavy)’ that was mind-blowing to me, the way it went on and on and on at the end, with this big synthy wooshy noise. I’ve since found out its Ringo playing this machine that sounds like wind that you get in classical orchestras. It was a psychedelic experience in a living room in a normal part of Sheffield in the early 70s, where, you know, psychedelic experiences weren’t that common. I’ll always remember it, that song in particularly took me somewhere. And that’s the end of that side – if you had Abbey Road on CD it wouldn’t be right, it only really works as a statement if you listen to it for ages and then it suddenly stops and then you’re left in silence for a while until you can be bothered to get up and start again. I started with this because it plays with what an album can be. It’s great.