10. Sexual HarassmentI Need A Freak

There was a compilation that came in the heady days of Electroclash, it had a track of theirs called ‘If I Gave You A Party’. It’s hard to put a finger on what music it is, it still sounds quite modern actually. The guy behind it hasn’t done that much but everything you can track down by him is really weird and accessible as well. That record does trail off on side two as there’s a silly track called ‘Exercise Your Ass Off’, which is trying to be Jane Fonda or something, but apart from that it’s good. Again it’s a bit like the B52s in that it’s quite a simple sound, you can tell it’s being made with not much money and it’s just using a few elements in such a way that it really works. You’d not get away with being called Sexual Harassment any more – that’s from a bygone age.