2. BeckThe Information

Beck is probably my all-time number one living artist. I’m a fucking massive Beck fan and I always listen to him. I love being fucked up at 3am in the morning and you just start playing Beck records, and there’s such a wide variety of music he’s made: you can listen to it when you’re sad, you can listen to him when you wanna party and they’re all organised in these brilliant albums. The Information, I feel, is pretty special. The first half of it is this sort of feelgood party record and it takes elements from One Foot In The Grave, elements of Mellow Gold and Odelay!, but I feel like it makes it a lot more contemporary with ‘Think I’m In Love’, ‘Cellphone’s Dead’, ‘Nausea’ on there. The second half of the album just gets a little more weird and it ends with this crazy medley that’s like 11 minutes long. I just love how epic this album is. He’s someone like, I’ve met him three times and I lose my shit. I just freak out and running my mouth and acting crazy. I love him so much. He’s never made a bad record as far as I’m concerned.