10. Eater – The Album

This is a case of being something I listened to this so much at the right age. I don’t think a lot of other people like this, because they think it’s just third rate punk or something, but I like it a lot. They were like the youngest band – the drummer was 14 or something – so everyone thought they were kind of a joke, because they were just kids, and I don’t think anyone took them that seriously. Something about it really resonated with me, though, because I was the same age. They would say ‘The Sex Pistols’ are old and stuff, and seeing them made me think ‘Well, I can play better than him already. I could definitely be in this band’, because they weren’t very technically good. It gives you the belief that you can do it.
I think there’s something to be said for releasing just one album; for most bands, their first album is the best. You may as well quit while you’re ahead, if you can…