1. BjorkPost

For a girl looking for something that sounded like her life, or which felt different, it was all there in the voice. The biggest things, though, are the time signatures, the tempo changes, the unorthodox approaches to the records, and the vibrancy of how it was approached. She did not look like any of the other pop or mainstream things that were being sold for me to love. She looked different on that cover. She almost looked like a fairy. I didn’t have any context. I loved that she was not conventional. She seemed so petite, but the voice seemed so big. There was something I could relate to, and the music felt so much more my world and anything else I had been listening to.
‘Army Of Me’ is my favourite. I heard it in Tank Girl, but it’s in multiple films. Films were gravitating to that record. I had heard of The Sugarcubes, but it wasn’t until resonating with ‘Army Of Me’ that I was fully sold. She was a warrior, this menacing thing, but she wasn’t aggressively coming into the record. She was creeping into the chord progressions. It’s almost jazzy, the melody. It was so unique. I was stuck then.