12. Alessandro CortiniAvanti

Do you know Alessandro Cortini? He’s the keyboardist in Nine Inch Nails and his records are so good. Any of his solo records are amazing because they’re almost like a meditation. I hate to use certain words, like cheesy but it has this vibe to it that’s amazing. He’s super talented and to be fair I think I like him way more doing what he does as Alessandro Cortini than in Nine Inch Nails because there I think he’s pretty much just adding some stuff to what Trent’s already doing.
I think this album resonates with me in a massive way, right in my gut, because it’s such a simplistic, but very intense synth sound. Perfect for chilling. My wife and me, we listen to his music all the time, and he has a new album that is amazing too. We just saw him with Suzanne Ciani, another favourite, at the Barbican in London.