13. Doug CarnRevelation

Right around that time, the label Black Jazz was putting out all these incredible albums, they were recording a lot of musicians, and Doug and Jean, his wife, did several of them. Revelation is so beautiful, that track ‘God Is One’ with Jean’s vocals… 1973 was a little after the idea of ‘Trane’s spiritual jazz with A Love Supreme, but Revelation took its intent from spiritual jazz and put it in a contemporary style. I can play that album from beginning to end and listen to Doug’s playing and Jean with her beautiful vocals. I know he has done other records on that label, but this has to be my favourite, and it’s about rebirth, something I believe in. You know, I have been doing this for half a century, and I consider this to be my best time, but I feel honoured and blessed by the powers that be, the creator, that I am still here.