11. Kim Jung-MiNow

When we were talking earlier about a record accidentally affecting a whole community of musicians in a particular town, this is a record which came out on the same South Korean label that reissued the Erkin Koray album. I don’t understand the lyrics so I just enjoy the emotion. I think she’s a really popular singer in Korea but I’ve no idea if the lyrics are mediocre or profound! But anyway, I was playing some records in the market in Cardiff with DJ Esther and Don Leisure – whose album Shaboo came out in 2018 and is really great, instrumental sampled hip-hop – and they were both playing this Kim Jun Mi album! I was like ‘I know this one’ and we had a chat about the album.
Later that week, I was having a cup of tea outside a café and a fellow musician, Carwyn from Colorama, stopped to tell me he was walking through the market the other day – he was probably buying veg or something – and heard this track and started describing it to me and it was clearly Kim Jung-Mi. I like the idea of four people in a loose musical community just turned on randomly through geographical reasons by a record that might influence them. It’s a community generating a unique cultural identity through chance happenings.