12. I Fiamminghi & Rudolph WerthenArvo Pärt: Fratres

I heard ‘Spiegel Im Spiegel’ from, again, a girl I was dating, different girl, and she turned me on to Arvo Pärt. I really liked that and she said, "You should hear this Fratres record, it’s his masterpiece". I heard this probably ten, 11 years ago and then I went to see M83 with the L.A. Philharmonic at Disney Hall with Apollonia Kotero. During the M83 show, in between them playing songs, the L.A. Philharmonic was playing Fratres by Arvo Pärt and I’m like, "Wow! I didn’t know this was gonna happen." Really beautiful, beautiful, emotional, meditative music.
I love to drive to it. I love to put it on in the morning. It gets tense sometimes so it’s not like you can sit and just surrender and chill out to it because it challenges you. But it’s really, really emotionally resonant and incredibly powerful. But it’s slow, and it’s languid, whereas a lot of classical music is very busy. It’s very elegant and patient. And that’s what I love about it.