5. Neu!Neu!

Neu! has to represent Cluster, Conny Plank, Kraftwerk, David Bowie, Brian Eno. It’s an extraordinary piece of work. I was introduced to it when I first went to art college. There was a guy called Tony Fowler who was the polytechnic DJ and he was a little bit older that everybody else. I wheedled my way in and became the sorcerer’s apprentice or whatever, thinking I could get my taste on there instead. He played me this and at the time I was very confused by it. I thought I was quite… I listened to Captain Beefheart and Pink Floyd and good stuff, but this was really challenging, the minimalism I guess. I can honestly say it didn’t make me go, ‘Aha! This is ze future!’, but many years later, after I’d had it in the car stereo, I remember Klara saying, ‘Papa, you’ve been playing ‘Hallogallo’ for two years, can we hear something else?’ I was going: ‘But it fits! It fits! It’s perfect every time!’