3. Neil YoungAfter The Gold Rush

I heard this when I was living up in the North East by listening to Kid Jensen. I had On The Beach, but hearing After The Gold Rush… Somehow Jensen had it, it was released in the States before it came to Europe, and I remember being really impressed by the sound and content. I think Neil Young is an example of somebody who is successful and very curious, and I think the freedom that he got, financial freedom as much as anything, he took that and turned it into his obsessions, his railway collections and whatever else. That meant he could go, ‘I can do what I want to do, so I will’. It’s still the tone on the guitar, and the two-note guitar solo, it’s astonishing. Why have more when you can sound that good? He’s in Wire’s minimalism, and you can see his influence go right through – I’m not saying people are trying to emulate him, but you can see it in Earth, in Sunn O))), it’s there. The only person who is comparable, and they’re totally different, is Scott Walker. It’s this obsessive curiosity of wanting to find out what would happen if I do that or apply this to this. And courting failure; publish and be damned. In that way I was going to name him, because I couldn’t have Blue by Joni Mitchell. Look I’ve snuck that one in there. The happy thing with being in Wire was that we could talk about these records, because there was more to life than punk’s ground zero, or whatever it was supposed to be. How many great punk records are there? First Ramones album? You know what I mean.