5. The ClashThe Clash

I love punk music. I love the attitude of punk. Especially punk at that time, real punk, not like punk now. Bands like The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, real punk. For me The Clash epitomised London. They epitomised an attitude that’s very much about saying: "it’s not about sales, it’s not about trying to be cool, it’s just about music and making kick-arse tunes", for lack of a better phrase. Even though they were amazing musicians, it wasn’t about that. It was about the vibes that they created, the world that they created. Tunes like ‘London’s Burning’, ‘White Riot’, ‘Police & Thieves’, ‘I’m So Bored With The USA’, ‘Garageland’ are all so good, so good but I’ve always been a massive fan, I love everything that they did. I could have picked any of their albums really, but I thought, why not start at the beginning?