6. Paul SimonGraceland

I recently lost one of my best friends, and her favourite record was Graceland. And I’ve got very strong memories of us, and our friendship group, dancing to Graceland in the summer, and just being silly to this record. I love this record, it’s a real example of how songwriting can be so inventive and kind of brave – it was a brave move of him to make music particularly influenced by South Africa because at the time it was so heavy what was going on there. But I think again, it shows you that music can break down those sort of barriers and boundaries and I like that a lot.
I listen to it now with a slight tinge of sadness, because I’m not going to see my friend ever again. But I feel like listening to this record there’s a real connection there between me and her and my friendship group. Music can really symbolise certain points in your life, and I think this album in particular, at the moment, it’s been a real soundtrack to Imogen’s passing, because the times I spent with Imogen, with these songs, were some of my happiest memories.