8. Montrose

Montrose was one of the really important American statements made at a time when the only rock that was credible was English. They had Led Zeppelin and Humble Pie, just anything that was credible was all English and, out of nowhere, this Montrose record comes out that just kills! The American bands were sloppy and fat and looked like the Grateful Dead, and it was just pathetic. But Montrose came from the same area, the San Francisco Bay Area and it was like a breath of fresh air. That first record, even Montrose couldn’t equal it, it was just better than the other American bands of the time. If you ever listen to ‘Kickstart My Heart’ by Mötley Crüe, that intro was note-for-note, everything was taken from ‘Bad Motor Scooter’, that sounds like a motorcycle going by. Clearly, Montrose was trying to do, with Sammy Hagar’s vocals, a sort of American Led Zeppelin thing. But the songs were undeniable! Song after song, again: consistency. Unfortunately, after that Sammy Hagar left the band and everything changed. Ronnie Montrose never went back, never found his mojo again. Eventually he committed suicide.
But when we’re putting on makeup and getting ready for shows because we’re in the middle of a tour, it never fails. Every other day we put on the Montrose record.