3. Foo FightersThe Colour And The Shape

The thing about this band is that it came out of a grunge background, obviously Dave [Grohl] came out of Nirvana. But he can play guitar just as well or better than Kurt, sings great. The most interesting thing I find about Foo Fighters, and songs like ‘My Hero’, is that they are based in pop melodies. Not based in the blues. Which is really interesting, having that big wall of sound guitar thing with pop melodies and interesting lyrics. Just an interesting band. This album just has the songs and it has the attitude. You can have good songs on an album but… well I remember getting the Blur record [Blur] after hearing that ‘Song 2’ and I was shocked to find the rest of the record was just synths and stuff. What the fuck? You hear ‘Song 2’ and you think, ‘Wow, that’s great!’ and then you hear the rest of the album and it’s like REEEEOOW REEEOW. It’s like The Communards or something. Almost disco electronica or something. So, you know, consistency is not just a big word like gymnasium, you want an album to make a statement song after song. Maybe the most consistent band is AC/DC. Song after song could almost be the same song. There is a great interview with Angus where a critic says, ‘I don’t want to insult you, but I think your new record sounded just like your last record’, and Angus said: ‘I don’t agree. I think our new record sounds like every record we’ve ever made.’ Sometimes the biggest criticism you can make can be the biggest compliment you can give. Colour is a consistent record. It makes one statement. So what that means is that they can take that music and play it live and it should sound similar to that record, consistent. I would include more if I could, but when you pick an album, it’s not just a standalone item. It’s about what’s happening in your life, where you are and so on.