11. Ward 21
Again, reggae is just a kind of music that has been part of my DNA from day one, so sometimes I don’t even notice it’s around. It’s just subconsciously what I am. But when I heard this song, it stuck out to me. Wow, new voices and a new approach. It just sounded like a whole revamp of reggae. It sounded like something that I would want to actually keep my eye on, I wanted to see if more of this happened. And it did. Ward 21 is a group of artists, but there are about three lead vocalists, and two of them sound like me, or maybe I sound like them now. So when I heard that, I liked it. I didn’t make music yet, I just liked it. But when I’ve made a song and I’ve heard my voice and heard that it’s a bit like this, I started to think, "This is a formula that can work, because I’ve watched it work already."