5. Marnie SternThis Is It and I Am It and You Are It and So Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That

I don’t know much about her. We’re going to be playing some shows with her, so I’m holding her in this great realm of mystery until then. The drummer is fucking amazing, Zach Hill – he played with that band Hella. They’re playing this fucking insane music. I don’t even know what their set up is like. I don’t know what she’s like, what her group is like. And in a way that’s why I’m enjoying it so much at this time, because it’s still new to me. You can go on the internet and find out everything about a group and before you know it you’re meeting them, and that’s a great thing about my life. But there’s also times when you want to be suspended in the mystery of what you’re listening to, and that’s where I’m at with her right now. And what a weird name… Is that really her name?
I like it when people can be technical, or use elements of technique. I love technique. I think technique has probably more beauty in it that the way I play – the punk rock, anything-goes kinda way. But if you’re lucky, like Marnie Stern, you can do both. You get this ridiculous shit where they’re all trying to play these intricate little bits together, and then, because they’re weirdos, you get this other kind of music that you haven’t heard before.