13. StravinskyFirebird Suite

Stravinksy has a way of putting surprises in music that sounds very familiar. You already know where the music is going, especially in this particular crescendo that we always listen to: [sings] "pom pom pom pom pom…" It’s probably universal music, it’s out there floating in the atmosphere and he just happened to pick it up, but he still puts in all these surprises, these little sounds, these strange time signatures, so by the time you get to the finale you’re just another person. It’s maybe the last seven minutes of the piece, and you know where it’s going – it’s like driving to your favourite restaurant knowing you’re going to eat at the perfect time, and your desire is going to be quenched. Even though it’s big, bombastic, strange music at times, it’s very satisfying in a rock & roll way. Some of it’s so simple, other bits are incredibly complicated, so much so you dismiss it, but you gotta let it take you along. But I’m a fan of Stravinsky. He’s a weirdo. I love the weirdos.