10. TobaccoManiac Meat

We saw their show a couple of weeks back, and of course I love the Black Moth Super Rainbow stuff, and Tobacco too. But I have to say when I was at the show there was a lot of new music he played and I was like ‘Fuck, that’s cool’. And then he gave me the new record and I discovered that a lot of what they played is on that, so to me it’s the best that they’ve, or he’s, done. He does the same song, over and over. He’s working in the same colour palette every time, and he knows it, and he knows he’s trapped in it, and I know it too. And it’s rejuvenating. Even though you’ve heard these sounds he does a lot, it still comes back at you. Very effective. It’s very evocative. He uses all these reverbs and echoes and distortions and it doesn’t become music to you, it becomes an atmosphere, a mood. That’s what a lot of this music I’ve talked about does: you don’t think it’s about drugs, you don’t think it’s about guitar playing, it’s about a world that’s created in your mind as these sounds are playing. It’s fantastic.