8. Kate BushHounds Of Love

Another perfect 10. I’m going to say something a little bit cringe: I was reading The Quietus once and one of the editors recommended her, so I thought, OK, I’m going to look her up – and that’s how I found out about her. She made it by herself, which is such a statement – that she made this banger of a record is super inspiring. She developed this control over sound design using this very famous Fairlight synthesiser, and I like the way she drives the melodies, how the men’s voices tell a story, ‘Running Up That Hill’ is perfect. It’s crazy that she’s only one of two women [to have a UK number one with a song she wrote and produced alone] – it doesn’t make sense nowadays. Women producers have a way to create that is very special. There’s a different vibe in the studio, there are more balanced energies.