Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives

4. Aphex TwinRichard D. James Album

Well, what can I say? This is a hugely exciting record. Aphex Twin has got a huge reputation, obviously. When I was 16 it was one of the things which I had on MiniDisc, which we all had back in those days! I would just listen to it continuously. It was just around the time I was starting to make electronic music on my own, and I remember thinking, how can you make this? The technology I had and the software I had was absolutely shit, and I remember fiddling with it and thinking that I couldn’t figure out how to make these drum beats so complex, and so delicately put together.

Every five seconds or couple of bars something new happens. There’s none of this copy and paste which all dance music at the time was doing, thinking in particular of that kind of Ibiza dirge that was shit and was on the radio 24/7. You just get 15 bars of the same thing, then one change, whereas Aphex Twin was the exact opposite of that. He would just keep your interest piqued the whole time, and that’s one thing which I have always strived to do with the band, just to stop things being boring. Perhaps we push it too far, but I think all the ‘inciness’ and the whole thing about not letting it rest and be copied and pasted, I think is in my music as well.

The other thing about that record is that it’s not really a dance record at all, it’s just music. I mean you can dance to it if you want, but there’s lots of classical stuff on there really. There are lots of quiet moments, and lots of awkward stuff that is not really dance music.

Selected in other Baker’s Dozens: Blanck Mass
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