12. The ProdigyMusic For The Jilted Generation

I had an older friend who was hugely into dance music. He was a proper teenager with decks. That was all cool to us. The Prodigy were absolutely the band of the moment, we would just listen to them so much. You always feel like you’re listening to a real drummer with The Prodigy, even though you’re not and you’re listening to highly processed drums, they always retain a sense of reality. To this day, The Prodigy have a sense of rawness and aggression and reality, and they have always felt like a real band to me, even though it’s just a guy with a laptop and a couple of idiots jumping around. They made the world shift for me, and made me feel like I didn’t have to choose between a PC and Nirvana, and that’s liberating, knowing I could do anything I want. The music I have in this Baker’s Dozen is influential, because the albums are all about breaking rules, or don’t fit into camps, and that’s where my band has always been. People don’t really know what to call us or describe us, and that has come from having diverse influences. The best bands don’t fit.