1. The StoogesFun House

Well, this is kind of self-evident. It’s a great rock album. I think that for rock music, as I understand it, this is the quintessential album. And of course there was Chuck Berry and others who were pushing for that sound and there was Jimi Hendrix who was already on a high frequency, but something clicks on Fun House that achieves – and that’s the key word with Fun House, it achieves – that raw intensity were it gets to that point where less is more. In a lot of ways it achieves existential rage and it’s all about that moment. The way it starts is kind of mechanical and it gets more aggressive with every song and it builds into a cacophony.
I was 19 or 20 years old when I first heard it. I heard it here in the States and not in the Ukraine. Back there I heard Raw Power and there that was everybody’s favourite but I think that Raw Power is already way glam and it has a lot of glam elements to it and glam mannerisms which are all fun elements, don’t get me wrong, but for a monolithic assault on mundane, sleepy complacency then it’s Fun House. Always.