3. SodsMinutes To Go

I first came across this when I was about 12, I think it’s the first Danish punk album that ever came out. When I first got into punk I was into a lot political crusty stuff that I wouldn’t really find of much musical value anymore – at least not as the guy who I am right now – but this album led onto a lot of things. They do a cover of ‘Ghostrider’ by Suicide on this album and you think, ‘what is this band called Suicide? This is an interesting name’ so you go down to the local CD shop and ask them to order the album and then Suicide leads to No Wave and it just opened up a lot of things. The guitarist, Peter Peter, was my complete idol when I was 13, he’s a really original and inventive guitar player and nobody plays like him. I then found he had a new group, The Bleeder Group. I went to see them as they were playing for a week straight, so I see them three days in a row and by the last day I finally gathered up the courage to go and talk to him and he was very inclusive and asked me if I played in a band, which I sort of did at the time, it was just young kids fucking around playing Stooges covers and he invited me down to his studio. I then started skipping school around three days a week and going to the studio and hanging out. A few years later after playing in a series of groups that would play two concerts and then split up we started Iceage and we were rehearsing in a youth club sort of place, pretending to be paying members to use their practice space and we recorded one song there, I brought it to Peter at his studio and he was impressed. The next day he said, ‘I hope you’re not doing anything on Friday because I’ve got you three hours of studio time’. We turned up and recorded what turned out to be the first Iceage EP. Sods turned me onto a lot of music, Peter left the band when they got shit in the early 90s but he’s such an original and something as bland and as common as the practice of playing guitar, he showed me – because I wasn’t into fucking Jimi Hendrix or hippy music – that you could be deeply inventive and innovative and have a completely personal way of approaching an instrument.