Elias Rønnenfelt Of Iceage & Marching Church's Favourite LPs | Page 2 of 14 | The Quietus

Baker's Dozen

Artists discuss the 13 records that shaped their lives

1. Leonard CohenThe Future

It’s not necessarily my favourite Leonard Cohen record but it might be the one that most inspires me in what I do. The lyrics are so vulgar and over the top but very beautiful at the same time. I really like – and it’s one of the things that inspires me the most – how he can have these sentences in songs that get away with a lot and it’s meaningful but also hold a humour. There’s also a prophetical, almost scary, thing to it as well. The title song is one that I have been so jealous of that I couldn’t time travel back and steal from him. The Future took me a long time to get into after I got into Leonard Cohen and he himself took me a long time to get into. I didn’t like Nina Simone or Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan or Neil Young, these names are ones I now cherish as my favourites but initially it was music I recognised as a kid that my intellectual middle class friends’ parents would listen to. I found these names to be kind of appalling but I grew up to it.

I don’t remember listening to Songs From A Room for the first time, I was at my friend’s house and I was talking about how I hated Leonard Cohen and he was like, ‘shut up you insolent so-and-so, sit down and listen to this, now’ and I was very drunk, we all were, it was very late at night. I remember being completely overrun with emotion and I’d never heard anything of such calibre. I woke up the next morning hungover and I had remembered that I had heard Leonard Cohen and that it was fantastic but not what it sounded like – it was kind of a blackout night. I downloaded the record and put it on my MP3 player and I walked to this industrial harbour place in Copenhagen and listened to the whole thing. By the time ‘The Partisan’ came on I remember being so shocked that I fell flat on my back to the ground and I just kept lying there for the rest of the duration of the album. From then on I was sold.

There’s no lyric writer I admire more than him. I was sad I never got to see him sing, there’s nobody else who’s hand I would have rather shaken. He died at a respectable age and he had a good run but of course I was sad and shocked when he died. I was at a bar after a Marching Church show and somebody said he’d died and I just said, ‘fuck off, that’s not funny’ and then somebody else came over and said it. I couldn’t really comprehend it and there was a jukebox in the bar that had some Leonard Cohen so we put on 30 songs by him. It was sad but an 82 year-old man with a respectable body of work and a life filled with lovers seems like a life well lived to me and I’m glad he managed to put out that last album, I thought that was a great end.

Selected in other Baker’s Dozens: Rufus Wainwright
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