7. Janie

We showed this at Roadburn when we curated our event in 2009. This is quite an extreme film. You don’t think that this girl is actually going to start to start killing people but then – all of a sudden – she’s running them over and laughing hysterically. The soundtrack was recorded live to the film. It’s a three- piece band – mad fuzz guitar. Whenever the action hots up the music hots up like [impersonates frenetic 70s whackawhacka guitar] It’s just fucking insane, a rollercoaster ride of exploitation and trash. It has no redeeming features whatsoever apart from the unrelenting wall of wah wah fuzz. Roadburn was fucking amazing that year. We had Psychic TV, Dream Death, Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, The Pretty Things. Genesis P-Orridge was fucking great – I got on with her very well. I’ve always been appreciative on her outlook on life and what s/he’s achieved. S/he was upsetting everyone else at Roadburn though. Nobody else managed to, but Genesis – within a few seconds of starting – had pissed off everyone. It was fucking brilliant. The whole idea of our part of the festival was a multi-media headfuck. Total sensory annihilation. I wanted it to have a vibe of: ‘No Escape’. I wanted thick billowing smoke in the corridors between the rooms but they wouldn’t let me. It was about derangement of the senses. I wanted to get people lost. I convinced them to let me do the cinema and it worked well. I remember when we showed The Sinful Dwarf people were cheering – cheering the dwarf along. There was also a hardcore porn section but I think we might have gone a bit far with that. A lot of people didn’t seem to think it was acceptable to have twenty foot spurting cocks.