10. Psychomania

Psychomania is just so fucking British. I think of it almost as a New English Library novel come to life. It has that whole feel. I don’t know why it isn’t venerated in the same way as The Wicker Man or Witchfinder General. There was a whole generation of us who grew up watching it on TV. In Wimborne there used to be a Safeways with an entrance on one end and the exit right at the other. We used to bike right through it on BMX’s kicking stuff over (laughs). It was called ‘doing a Psychomania‘. It was watched by everyone round here. Shitty BMX’s and rubbish cheap hash, you know? I remember the first time we got ‘flowering heads’ round here, as bud was called then (laughs) that was a big deal. There was red seal and there was black hash which was more like rubber and petrol mixed with a tiny amount of hash and then there was opiated hash which was the most incredible shit imaginable.