7. PrinceParade (Under The Cherry Moon)

If you’ve never seen Under the Cherry Moon, you’re not missing much, y’know? Unlike if you hadn’t seen Purple Rain, which is arguably the greatest movie in the world. I hated this movie when I saw it and I was really bummed out because I loved Purple Rain. But the score was an incredible record, especially from a producer’s standpoint, because he started to do something a little bit different. It was in-between the Prince and the Revolution phase of Linn drum, guitar and super synthed-out music, and what he’d later go to which was more of an R&B, smoother-influenced, live drum kind of sound. So it was this weird, sparse combination of drum programming and live percussion with more natural live bass – it was a really unique and special record. It’s on the list for remaining a favourite of mine over all this time but the reasons always change. I really think this is one of his unheralded masterpieces of production and I think it is overlooked probably because the movie was so fucking bad.