5. VangelisBlade Runner

This is the obvious one of course, but I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I remember seeing this film as a kid and I really didn’t understand what this was and how it was done. Like, do these people make the music? Do they play it while the film is going? I had all these questions, but Vangelis just became a really amazing part of my life. It was this whole other type of music that I’d never heard and I wanted in. Music that makes you feel or imagine something is a big deal.
You’ll find no lack of the word dystopian when you hear people talk about my music, and that’s fine, it’s a great word. That all just comes from my personal artistic perspective. Terry Gilliam makes the kind of films he makes and I make the kind of music I make – can’t really deny it. But as I’ve gotten older it is records like this that made me want to learn how to make a piece of music that could make you feel like you’re being told a story. Like really, latch onto the lyrics even if there are no lyrics. I wanted to get to the point in my career where I could do it, and make a piece of music with a beginning, a middle and end, and create relief, tension and all these things. Nothing really does that or focuses on that more than film scores… I have a very large film score collection.