3. Fat BoysFat Boys

Fat Boys were like my heroes, and I loved this record. When Krush Groove came out I played hookey for like a week and I just went every day and watched it instead of going to school. It’s hard to explain, but when I was a kid I just looked up to these guys. Run DMC were like the kick-ass, bigger-than-life superheroes, but Fat Boys were truly likeable, hilarious, dope… they were just guys that were funny as fuck, and they appealed to my childish sensibilities I’m sure. It was kinda playful, but the beats were fucking incredible and the dudes could rap their ass off for the time. I’m sure there are plenty of people for whom Fat Boys don’t even fit into the pantheon of what’s considered classic rap shit, but for me, just for the whole style, It was this crazy, infectious thing and they were laughing through the whole thing.