9. Run DMCTougher Than Leather

I love all Run DMC records, but I thought I needed to put Tougher than Leather on the list because I think people overlook that record. It’s got ‘Run’s House’ and it’s got ‘Mary, Mary’, but it’s also got ‘Beats to the Rhyme’ and ‘Beats to the Rhyme’ is one of the most important, incredible hip hop songs ever made. People should really look at this record again, because there were these weird, interesting, instrumental interludes after each song, and it was all break-beat influenced but they were flipping it… the production that came out of those guys’ camp was also in a lot of ways slept on and really important for music at the time. That’s when they had just come into their 100% New York superhero shit, and I just wanted to be them. I actually saw Tougher than Leather the movie the day it opened and… it was ok.
I have to be honest, I’ve never seen it.
Well, it’s tough to find.
Should I?
Fuck yeah, of course! Run DMC starring in an action movie? Yeah it’s worth finding.