9. Apocalypse Now

"I guess I had to get Apocalypse Now on the list. It’s like it’s an epic and a personal film all in one and another movie where if it’s on TV I have to watch it all the way to the end, even if I come in half way through. I was so excited a few years ago when they bought out the expanded version with the sequences from the plantation, which I had heard of but never seen before. Martin Sheen is a really underrated actor, I just think he’s magnificent. I mean, he had a heart attack! They had to suspend shooting for months! I also remember reading at the time that Coppola was in search of an ending, because he couldn’t find one that worked in the film and so was doing several different versions. I think I’ve seen two different endings! It doesn’t matter what the ending is though, because the trip is so wonderful. But, yeah, a great movie with great cinematography. A towering achievement."