12. Nick Cave & The Bad SeedsMurder Ballads

It’s funny, because I watched the video of them doing ‘Stagger Lee’, and it’s hilarious. They’re all what, in their 40s, and they’ve got these two blokes dancing, and they’re all wearing these incredibly… not camp, but they’re dressed completely normally doing these sexy dances. He’s dancing around like Mick Jagger, and it’s the best video I’ve ever seen. It’s erotic, just seeing this bunch of old blokes doing something you’d normally see a little teenage girl doing. They’re totally hamming it up. Nick Cave is so underrated, he doesn’t take himself too seriously and he’s a very clever man. Murder Ballads I think is brilliant, there’s nothing on it I don’t like, and he manages to get the best ever performance out of Kylie Minogue.