3. Bat for LashesThe Bride

It’s a great record! I typically don’t immediately go for "concept records" – if I hear someone’s made a concept album, I don’t tend to think, "Ooh, I can’t wait to hear that!" In my head it’s more like: "Oh, a concept record, so that must mean there’s one good song and the rest of the album is built around that." This is so satisfying in that it’s basically the best concept record I’ve ever heard. I enjoy every single song – every song is a good song. It’s really just her enjoying the theme and exploring that theme and the archetype and really making it one of her records and making sure it’s quality all around. I love her lyrics, love her melodies, and the production is amazing. I must sound pretty nepotistic in that I love her too as a person, but really, hey, if I didn’t love her I’d still love this record. She’s such an incredible artist – I love that she even mentioned it in such a casual way. To me, this is such a big work, but it was so casually like, "Oh, what are you working on at the moment?" "Oh you know, a little record – kind of toying with the theme of ‘the bride’." Very cheeky and cute on her part to mention it almost in passing because then when she sent me a copy I was just like, "Oh my god, that’s incredible." She’s one of the greats.