1. Brian Eno – Small Craft On A Milk Sea

This has some of the really beautiful ambient stuff that he’s known for on his earlier records, and I’m a big fan of that, but there’s also some really interesting beats on it. I think for someone who’s been in the game for as long as he has to still be making music and beats that are unorthodox and matching that with music that’s still serene, that makes for a very dynamic record. Of course, we’d love to work with Eno one day. Some of these tracks were rejected from a film score, and I love to put on visuals when I’m making music. I collect old films, from the turn of the century or the 60s or whatever, I’ll put one up on a monitor and start writing, to me that’s one of the most fun ways of making music. One day I hope to utilise that talent in some way and work on making soundtracks.