5. BoredomsSuper Ae

I wasn’t a very educated listener in high school, but when I heard this I had never heard anything like it at all. It was just completely and utterly new territory for me, I couldn’t believe it. I remember showing a bunch of friends and having half think it was amazing and the other half not understanding it. I still listen to it constantly.
I remember one party in college when we were playing one of the songs. We coated the whole apartment in plastic – the floor, the ceiling, the walls, everything was covered in white plastic and there was a big bowl of spiked punch or something. This song was just blasting over the blown speakers and people just started going crazy and tearing the plastic off the walls and whipping it around and throwing liquid everywhere and there was a strobe light going; it was crazy. It’s hard to hear this record and not think about that moment and it just blasting away and being complete chaos and totally dangerous, but totally safe and fun and spiritual, even though everyone was out of their minds, which I guess is the only way it can be spiritual.