11. Arto LindsayInvoke

Well, Arto is one of the artists who actually came to visit me in person after Fantasma came out to praise the album: Arto really loved it. Since then, we’ve played together a few times and he’s definitely one of the artists that I always look up to. As an artist, Arto also brings two completely opposite elements together where he’s very sophisticated and kind of stylised (he’s very good at programming all these different materials into one song) yet he can be very, very destructive and kind of aggressive when it comes down to guitar playing. I’ve always been quite amazed by the fact that he can combine those two opposites, like, yin and yang, so brilliantly as an artist. It’s one of the main ways Arto has always stood out to me. There is noise in beauty. [On working with other artists] I never really talk to them and ask them for advice or inspirational resources or things like that, but rather I’ve definitely felt something really strong from people like Yoko Ono and Arto by playing with them, because they’re definitely inspirational to me. It’s a kind of craziness almost where there’s this inspiration, I put it into myself and from there I just go into my own world when it comes down to making a record. It’s definitely not too direct, but very strongly indirect.