5. Cocteau TwinsTreasure

Which one? Again, which one would you chose! Head Over Heels, I remember having ‘Sugar Hiccup’ and just loving that noise. I remember listening to it for the first time, I recorded it from a record and put it on a tape, and I can remember now exactly where I was sat in the train carriage going to London listening to ‘Sugar Hiccup’ on my Walkman. I like the inventiveness of Liz Fraser’s own language. Treasure I thought was the most fairy tale of all of them. Again a lot of their material was on EPs and 12", so it was more the period of Treasure, because there was other stuff, an EP called I think Sunburst and Snowblind, ‘Aikea-Guinea’ as a single and ‘Pearly Dew Drops Drop’, which I think charted, unbelievably, I remember seeing them on Top Of The Pops of all things. They were a disastrous band to see live, because they had a chair with a reel to reel on it and they would just stand there with this reel to reel going. It was utter shit. I went to see them about three times and they were terrible, absolutely terrible, but on record, brilliant. I’ve just been doing a presentation of my damsel fly pictures, which I always thought would make a good 4AD album cover, and I used ‘Aikea-Guinea’ as the track to accompany that. I’m a big fan.