8. The Kiwi AnimalMusic Media

Micky from my band Mole House showed me this record. He runs a label in Melbourne called Albert’s Basement and knows a lot about underground music culture, so he was always showing me new music. I still remember him standing in front of the stereo as he was putting it on saying “I think you’re gonna like this band!” He played me ‘Blue Morning’, and I was hooked. You know when you have that experience of finding music that ticks all your boxes and you’re just grateful to have discovered it? That’s what discovering this band was like for me. Since then I’ve come across more underground New Zealand bands, kind of in the Flying Nun world, but it’s more stripped back and doesn’t have as much guitar kind of noise stuff as some of those other bands. This was an early one for me, so it holds a special place. As if the music was made for you to listen to.