6. The CannanesA Love Affair With Nature

This is an Australian band and I absolutely rinsed this album when I was touring a lot in 2018 and 2019. I put it on my headphones every time I had to travel for shows. There’s something really isolating about travelling solo, like feeling like a number in the crowd. Perhaps this was the time I was most nostalgic for Australia and its people, and I think The Cannanes highlight qualities that I really appreciate about Australians. They can be particularly adept at revealing something profound in the mundane. The lyrics on this album seem to be about everyday occurrences that play out in ordinary towns, and it feels so relatable to me. The lyrics are also really funny at times. ‘There’s something about Australia, you want to kick it when it’s down. Just because it is a failure, doesn’t mean I’m leaving Newtown.’ I think that’s a great lyric. I think this band and some other Australian bands can be quite good at making fun of themselves as well and not taking it too seriously. Being in bands in Australia, the touring isn’t really as feasible, so people are in bands because they just like being in bands and making music because they just like making music. It’s not for any other end. It doesn’t need to be polished, it’s just writing songs for your mates rather than the industry.