9. Thomas BushOld And Red

This is another record I discovered at Low Company. I think everyone flipped their lid for it when it came into the store. Who was this Thomas Bush guy making this amazing music and releasing it on his own label? Its mysteriousness added to the intrigue. Immediately I felt a real kinship with Thomas, just listening to the way he wrote and produced music. You can tell he’s interested in melody and storytelling, and also experimentation in the studio and using different production techniques. It’s all obviously DIY, and to me, it has a real emotional resonance and depth. I love the shifting moods, the playful synth work, the extended interview and field recording on the B-side and the lovely ‘Ripe with Karin Bähler Lavér vocals. When I finish listening to this album I feel as though I’ve read a great novel, where I’ve learnt something subliminally, and it has a resonance that lasts for days.