4. Gwen McCrae

So Gwen McCrae was married to George McRae. He did ‘Rock My Baby’ and I played that record to death, then this record came out and it was just phenomenal – the energy, the sound, the power of it. It was one of those records where you had to play it, like you had to play it in any given night, if you didn’t play it, you didn’t get paid, end of story. If you did the place would go mad and everyone would be super happy. Even now, play this loud and it evokes an energy of pure happiness, it compels you, you want to sing it yourself, you’re swept along with the tune. Not many records do that, even from that era – it’s just so happy and jovial, I couldn’t not put that in the list today. You’d hear this at Notting Hill Carnival and anyone who was around would go "whooosh", rushing over to whichever soundsystem was playing it. You’d need two copies of this one, it’s pretty short, classic three minutes 20 seconds pop song in a way – but you can just bang it straight back in again from the intro!