Yoko Ono – Approximately Infinite Universe
I like this record because I like hearing Yoko in more of a rock/pop context. I find everything she does to be compelling, but when I first started listening to her it was the more avant-garde stuff that was the sensible starting point and more of what she was, and obviously still is, known for. So I think when I first heard this one it was so exciting to hear her in this context. I also heard it at a time when I was in a band called The Crainium, which was heavily influenced by feminist politics and feminist music, and there are some very great examples of a strong feminist stance on this record. There is also some severely funky shit on this record and ‘I Felt Like Smashing My Face In A Clear Glass Window’ and ‘What Did I Do’ are two of my most coveted tunes to drop in a DJ set to twist people’s minds up. I just think this is a really powerful, emotional, vaguely political, and sometimes danceable record that doesn’t get nearly as much love as it deserves.